St Winefride's


St Winefride's



Saturday Vigil







Mon - Sat



 Children's Liturgy



Daily Mass Readings

Click here


Morning Prayer

Click here


Online Giving



Our School:

St Winefride's RC Primary



Diocesan information


Diocese of Shrewsbury



Parish Hall

Risk Assessment

For Parish Hall activities

click here


New Parishioners



Please call by or fill out a new registration from the Parish Office or download one from here




Saint of the Day 



Parish Life


Pastoral Leadership


Pope Francis

Bishop Mark Davies

Pope Francis

Vicar of Jesus Christ 

Bishop Mark Davies

Diocese of Shrewsbury


Our Priest


Fr Francis George (Kochupaliath)


Fr Francis comes from the Southern State of India, Kerala and joined the Society of St Paul in 1983. After completing 12 years of secular and religious studies in Bangalore, Allahabad, Mumbai and Delhi he was ordained in 1995.


In 2004 he moved to St Pauls in Australia and served as Regional Vicar and General Director of their apostolic activities. In March, 2014 he came to London as the Superior of the Community and Managing Director of St Pauls, co-ordinating its publishing and multi-media centres in UK and Ireland. In the last 3 years he was also involved in the pastoral service of Salford diocese.




Rev Mike Topping

Deacon Mike moved to Neston when he was six and was educated at St Winefride's Primary School and Chester Catholic High School. He still lives in Neston with his wife Debbie and has three children and one grandchild.


Deacon Mike was ordained at Shrewsbury Cathedral on July 6th 2013 and is our first Deacon at St Winefride's.


His ministry includes participating in Sunday mass, taking baptism, wedding and funeral services.




Window detail

Bible Study  

Times and dates to be confirmed: details in the newsletter. Meetings with a view to deepen our understanding and love for the Word of God.

Font detail


The catechist’s role in the parish is to support adults, children and young people at special times in their lives e.g:

  • Parents whose children are preparing to receive sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist 
  • Young people preparing for sacrament of Confirmation
  • Adults preparing for sacrament of Marriage
  • Parents who wish to baptise their child/ren

Each course consists of a specific number of meetings and includes lively discussion and personal reflection to help participants to become more aware of the relevance of the sacraments in their lives.


All times and venues are detailed in the parish newsletter and website during the year.


For further information contact:


Foundation Governors

Individuals appointed by the diocese to maintain the catholic identity of the parish primary school. Please contact the for further details.

Local Pastoral Area

Our collaboration with other local Catholic parishes (Heswall and Pensby). Contact Derek Pover,

Neston & District Churches Together

NDCT was formed to help churches in Neston area to work more closely together. The NDCT promote awareness of all local christian communities and help organise a number of ecumenical events each year. These include a service as part of Christian Unity Week in January, Lent Discussion Groups, a Christian Aid Service in May and participation in the Neston Village Fair in July. There are also Ecumenical Choir events. During October, there is a service as part of One World Week and an ecumenical evening of carol singing in December.  The NDCT also support Women's World Day of Prayer.


A committee made up of representatives from all the parishes meets bi-monthly with and AGM in January. Each denomination takes turns in hosting events and meeting. The St Winefride’s representative is Deacon Mike Topping 353 0253

Altar Server

Altar Servers

For all boys and girls who have taken their first communion and wish to serve at the altar.


If you are interested in serving please contact the


Altar Servers' prayers and handout available to download.

votive candles


Written by Tony Topping; a reflection on Catholic living in the modern world. A reminder that God is with us always.

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Jul 25Aug 25Sep 25Oct 25Nov 25Dec 25
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Little Church

Little Church

Sundays 10.30 am Mass term time only, in the Parish Hall.  
Aimed for children 3 – 7 years.  The catechist presents a simplified Mass and the gospel of the day in a simplified form. The children are asked questions on the story and colour in a picture of the story. Children return to Mass after the Creed.




Church Flowers

We arrange weekly flowers on a rota basis plus Easter celebrations, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas displays, including a tree etc. Weddings and funerals are arranged privately.


We would welcome anyone to come and join us or help out.  Contact

Church Interior from Altar

Church Cleaners

We take it in turns (currently 1 in every 4 weeks) to dust and hoover the church. We would be very happy to have more volunteers. Most people clean in pairs as it can be too big a job alone. For people who may wish to volunteer contact the office on 364 3191 or by email 



If you would like to greet parishioners as they arrive at church and organse the offertory along with other parishioners then please let us know.  Call the office on 364 3191, speak to a welcomer or parish priest or email the parish office at


reading ministry

Ministers of the Word

Involves 4 or 5 midweek readers and over 20 readers for our weekend liturgy for our 3 Masses on Saturday or Sunday. We are always pleased to welcome more readers and would love to hear from anyone who could read on Saturday mornings. We are always grateful for more people, particularly in our younger parish community who would like to be involved in our reading ministry.


Rotas available online.  Reading Ministry Guidelines. For more information please contact

St John Plessington Window

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and also taking communion to our parishioners who are sick or housebound, either at home or in hospital.
If you know of anyone going into hospital or who would appreciate a home visit, please contact the parish office or Fr Francis.


Rotas online

Cross Detail

Bereavement Group

This group provides support and assistance (if required) to those whose family/loved ones have passed away during the past 12 months or earlier.  The group meet on the first Wednesday of the month.  There is also one parish Mass each November organised by the group and the CWL.


For further information please contact:


Caritas is the new social action and social justice agency of the Diocese of Shrewsbury which seeks to develop the Church’s social mission in the years ahead.


For futher information please contact 0151 652 1281






Catholic Women's League (CWL)

The CWL is a national group, united in prayer and service to the church. Raising funds for local, national and international charities and they also ensure that the Catholic women’s voice is heard in government issues. Regular monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Church Hall. Speakers attend regularly details of which are announced in the news letter and on the website.


The Millennium Wall Hanging (pictured left) was embroidered by the CWL.


Our latest Newsletter


For recent information and pictures click here.


Please contact: Maria Slater.

Christian AId

Christian Aid

Working with other denominations and NDCT annual national collections are coordinated with youth involvement for sponsored events.

Churchyard Gardening: Our group of volunteers meet each Friday 1-3pm (weather permitting) to maintain our Church grounds.


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Autumn 22Spring 23    




Along with all other churches in the Neston area, St Winefride’s is now registered as a Fairtrade place of worship.


All parish groups have pledged to use and promote Fairtrade products and principles at their events. Tea and Coffee served after Sunday mass and at other events will be Fairtrade. We unite with a growing network of almost 7000 churches, mosques and synagogues that have also committed to bringing a better deal to farmers and workers through promoting products which have the Fairtrade Mark.


To find out more about the impact of Fairtrade on producer communities at

Justice and Peace Commission

The Gospel in action locally and globally. Our reps are Catherine and Paulo Lisboa.


Further information here.




The SVP coordinate St Winefride's contribution to the Chester and Ellesmere Port Foodbank in conjunction with the NDCT. Items for donation can be placed in the boxes in ether porch.  A generic list of foods needed is available, with specific "in need" items listed on the Chester and Ellesmere Port website. The latest Foodbank newsletter.


#cheshirehunger: An indepth report highlighting the issues facing those accessing the Foodbanks in West Cheshire.


For further information contact the SVP or the Trussel Trust.

Parish Hall

Currently only parish groups may use the Hall. When bookings can be taken, contact contact Jayne at 

Red Box Missio

Mission Box (Red Box Collection)

Our parish response to ensuring as a Catholic parish, we take significant and practical action in developing the global mission of our church. The Red Box has been a medium for active involvement for decades now.


Contact if you would like a red box or can help.

St Anthony


The purpose/role:

  • Safeguarding at St. Winefride’s is concerned with the establishment and maintenance of a safe environment for parish activities with children, young people and vulnerable adults.


    Role and Responsibilities of Parish Safeguarding Representative:

    • Oversight of the Diocesan & DBS applications for approval and registration of volunteers for roles in the parish involving children and/or vulnerable adults
    • Liaison between St. Winefride’s Parish Priest & Shrewsbury Diocese Safeguarding Officers
    • Liaison between St. Winefride’s Parish Priest and leaders of parish organisations regarding activities involving children & vulnerable adults
    • Promotion of good safeguarding practice in all parish activities involving children and vulnerable adults
    • Administration and maintenance of parish safeguarding records

    Safeguarding Responsibilities of St. Winefride’s Parish Priest, Parish Leaders and Coordinators:

    • Inform the Parish Safeguarding Representative of those parishioners who volunteer for roles with children/vulnerable adults so that they may be guided through the required application procedures & be provided with information on the fundamentals of good safeguarding practice.
    • Alert the Parish Safeguarding Representative of forthcoming activities involving children / vulnerable adults to ensure that appropriate safeguarding procedures (eg. risk assessment, consent, transportation) are followed and approved.
    • Ensure safe practice is established and maintained for all activities under your care involving children and/or vulnerable adults.

    Appropriate Safeguarding Forms and Guidelines may be accessed from Forms to Download

  • St Winefride’s Parish Safeguarding Representative is      Marie Branch


St Vincent De Paul (SVP)

An international organisation set up to provide support and friendship to those in need, to promote self sufficiency, to work for social justice and to serve Christ in His Poor.


Meetings are every Monday (except Bank Holidays) 7:30pm - 8:30 pm.


President: Mark Branch,


3%Cp>See below for SVP newsletter for Wirral
Aug 22Sep 22Nov 22Feb 23    

Society for Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children was the 1st Pro Life group in the world. Formed in 1967 to fight the Abortion Act, it now campaigns on many pro-life issues in Britain, Europe and the United Nations. For more information visit or here for local news. Click here for photo's from our recent 'Winter Warmer.'


Meetings are the second Thursday of each month in the Parish Hall at 10.45am.

Chairman: Margaret Unsworth,

Secretary: Rona Rowlands

Walsingham Stained Glass

Walsingham Pilgrimage

The annual pilgrimage is run by the Chester and Ellesmere Port District Council of the SVP. For information contact the SVP.


The web team are made up of parishioners of all ages who came together in late summer 2012 to build the parish website. We work together updating the various sections of the web site liaising with all groups within the parish.